November 30th has arrived and that means three things:
- November will be over very soon.
- College Applications for UC’s are due at midnight.
- It’s the last day of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month)
In reverse order: NaBloPoMo.
What a month. I could not have predicted just how much I would love and hate the fact that I committed to the challenge of writing a daily blog post. Truth be told I am still trying to wrap my mind around the experience. The best part for me was it forced me to share something no matter how much I did or did not want to, daily. The downside was there were times I felt rushed and thoughts that may have been served better by marinating were pushed into the world before their time. In spite of that a number of people read my musings and were kind enough to share their own perspective. Also I met a number of incredible writers along the way and for all of it I am grateful.
College Applications for UC’s are due at midnight:
Happily Kodiak submitted all of his last night–it’s a great handful of schools–and now the hard part for him: The wait. Together Jimmy and I are once again navigating the well of emotion that comes with a child readying himself to leave home. Mostly we are marveling over his confidence and decision making, while the other part includes the very real angst that comes with the prospect of watching another child fly from the nest.
November is coming to a close:
It is hard for me to really process how fast this year is going–tomorrow we ring in December, we will blink and we will be ringing in 2014. This has me thinking about Mary Oliver who asked one of the most important questions:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
I saw a short film this morning, it reminded me that life is so much more than the money we earn. Indeed what are we planning for this wild and precious life? Enjoy your time, every day is a gift. What would you like to do if money were no object? What do you desire…
What a lovely job you’ve all done this month. I’ve been working so hard that I barely had the chance to read any of it. I’m sure I missed some gems, but what I want most to do with this one life I have to live is make a difference. I think we must all want that to some degree, or else why would we pour our hearts out for others to read? Hopefully all the hard work will pay off.
Thank you for stopping by this morning–I am thrilled for the opportunities that you have cultivated Kim and I am cheering you on! You absolutely are a difference maker…from the lives you directly touch to the ones you may never know of. It has been my experience that there is a ripple effect created from sharing, in large part it is difficult to fathom really how many people are touched by simply giving voice to an experience.
Congrats on successfully finishing out the month, Elin! There is a winners’ badge in the sidebar of our Nov. 30 post at yeah write, and we’ll announce the winner of our final prize package on Monday. Thanks so much for being part of our community, and we hope you’ll stick around for more.
Thanks Erica!