If you have been kind enough to subscribe to my musings every time I click, PUBLISH, thank you!
Now I feel it’s only fair that I should warn you: During the month of November, Beyond the Backyard Blues, aka, Elin Stebbins Waldal, will be posting daily.
The WHY and the WHAT:
Four days ago I was having lunch with my dear friend Lois where she told me she was going to sign up for NaBloPoMo13.
I’m not sure who was more surprised, Lois, or that nagging little voice inside my head, when the words, “I actually have been thinking about signing up too…” flew off my tongue.
In unison our responses collided…
Inner Voice: “Wait, WHAT? You don’t even know how to PROUNOUNCE, NaBloPoMo! What’s more, it sounds like something sexual…”
Lois: “THAT’S WONDERFUL! I Think you should, it will be so much FUN!” which is really code for, I absolutely want to share this with you! An attitude that explains one of the many reasons Lois is among my closest of friends.
If I had to guess at her initial inner thoughts, I bet they were in close competition with my own self-doubt; she knows as well as I do that I am not much of a joiner, she also is aware that I am undisciplined when it comes to blogging. But, and there is always a but when it come to Lois, I bet she was also rooting for me to let go of my self-skepticism and scolding her own for questioning whether or not I was serious.
Then this quasi-magical shift happened.
I told her why (while in the early stages of writing my second book) I thought it might be a good thing to blog daily for a month and this is when Lois, in earnest, began to hard sell me on committing, or in her way, going for it.
A week ago I attended my first writer’s workshop, Dani Shapiro, was the teacher and it was a wonderful experience. Dani’s new book, Still Writing, The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life, had just hit the shelves, and within weeks of its release, joined the best sellers list, a feat I will add, which does not surprise me in the least.
Reading books written by authors about the art and or practice of writing is a bit of an obsession, truly it is something I love and I enjoy it even more when the writer does so via memoir.
I explained to Lois that I thought it would be interesting to spotlight pieces of wisdom from some of my favorite books over the course of November, using NaBloPoMo as an opportunity to look at this thing called the writing life and how it applies to my experience and living.
Over lunch it all sounded so plausible. It felt within my reach. And even now as I type I feel glimmers of hope that reflecting on the writing life—among other things—during the month of November, will in fact be doable.
You may have caught that I shared earlier that I am writing a second book, so why not join NaNoWriMo? Because it simply would not work. The book I am writing, loosely titled right now, Permission, deals with (surprise, surprise) permission, permission that we both grant and receive, and it also is about grief—and a month would not pay homage in the way I feel each of those subjects requires of me.
Anyway I digress—back to the lunch.
We ate, we swapped stories of our inner lives, we laughed and as has often become our habit, we made agreements about things we want to do differently, or try on, or switch up. We said our goodbyes and as I climbed into the car these words uncoiled in my mind: Maybe I really do want to commit myself to writing a blog post a day.
Lois on the other hand probably went home wondering if I would follow through.
Later that night I sent her an email, the subject header read:
The question is, will I thank you or curse you…
And then the message:
Quite uncharacteristically I have decided to join the fun over at NaBloPoMo, which will mean one of two things by 11/15: I will have you to thank because I discover I am quite prolific OR…I will be surfing the Internet for a Lois look-alike voodoo doll.
Everyone has a friend in their life that drags, pulls or persuades them to do something; in my case, Lois, right now, is that person and I have a hunch in the end I just might be able to thank her.
Assuming you in fact decide to go along for the ride here’s what I intend to write about daily:
And alongside writing, the stuff that’s going on…after all that’s where the gold is, in the hustle and bustle of everyday living. Welcome to the fray of a very cluttered mind, I am grateful for your willingness to be here.
PS: Lois may be found over at, Midlife at the Oasis, where she has been known to review books, champion causes and write about living life to its fullest in the middle.
So happy to be joining you, my friend! Can’t wait to read all the Elin Goodness!
Edee, I am so glad you are in this too! And double brave is what you are! xoxo
OMG I am so touched. Elin, you know you are so special to me, and of course I want to share everything with you! I think awesome things are going to come out of all of this but next time I feel a little pinch or ache, I will know you found that voodoo doll. Ouch! What else can I talk you into? Love you, my friend. xoxo
Apparently there are “good” voodoo dolls too. This is going to be fun, I am convincing myself, f-u-n. Love you too 🙂
Can’t wait to follow you on this journey!!
Thanks Janet! You are one of the people who have been part of my (public) writing journey from the very beginning, thanks so much for being here and for the years of support. xoxo
I did this last year. It’s crazy. But I’m doing it again anyway. Good luck!
It feels a little nuts! I’m glad you made it through unscathed and willing to embark on the journey again…makes me feel as if it will all work out.
I am so glad you will be posting every day. That way, I won’t have to read your pieces as slowly, forcing myself to savor every word because I don’t know when the next ones will come! They will be tomorrow — yeah! Here’s to looking forward a month of beautifully written, inspiring words!
Oh Ruth your are so kind, thank you for this.
So glad you’re joining in too! NaBloPoMo is great fun, and excellent discipline. Looking forward to seeing your posts! 🙂
Yes, it should be great fun! I look forward to yours as well. Thanks for being here today too.
Hey rowmie! I am so excited to go on this journey with other writers for NaBloPoMo. I did my own version last year, but it’s great to be a part of a community of people doing this.
Agree Jen, it is nice to have a shared community. Looking forward to seeing your posts too.
Yay, you’re in! And, double yay and a woohoo, for good measure, on your book! With your love for memoirs from writers, I have no doubt you’ll have your own novella by Day 30. Yay! (again)
I’m glad you are in. I’m thankful for Lois. What a cool group we have 🙂
Well, I guess we both have Lois to thank (or curse) for encouraging us to participate in he mon-long challenge that is NaBloPoMo! I wish my posting aspirations were as lofty as yours. Sadly, rowmie, you will probably be subjected to lots of silliness regarding my life as a waitress, the trials and tribulations of mothering an adolescent, my continuing quest to “purge the hovel”, and my growing obsession with having old furniture restored and giving it a good home (or, at the very least, a home better than the wood chipper it was destined for).
Let me know what I owe you for the Lois voodoo doll!
Jackie I loved your butter-knife post and commented! Yes, there is always that doll…but I am afraid I love Lois too much. 🙂